The last dumb bill?

The last dumb bill?

I feel I’m going to let people down – not feel, not fear – but nothing really happened on the anniversary of Colin’s death. We got the kids to school, Christina went grocery shopping, I think I did laundry and then we all gathered back at home to make new Superman candles to remember him by and then went to the grave.

In terms of drama feared, it didn’t even register on the Richter scale. I still have other thoughts about it that I’m working to process. I might share them at some other point.

For now, there was one other thing that happened. It’s been months since we got the last medical bill for him, so we can cautiously hope that we’re done with that nightmare. As for all the other bills, after months of obsessively going through them all to make sure we received insurance compensation, I was down to one bill which I couldn’t figure out. Even more annoyingly, I submitted it about three times and the insurance never reacted to it. I’d hand in a stack of six bills. They would respond to say what was up with the five other bills and they wouldn’t mention this one at all.

I finally called and we sorted out that the first page of this one bill had become entangled with the second page of another bill, both from the same laboratory. So, I made copies of both and submitted them one last time and memorialized the moment I mailed it off. Maybe we’ll get some more money back. Maybe we’ll get an answer that these were both processed and compensated ages ago. But, most importantly, maybe we’re finally done with this nonsense, which might be about the best one could hope for one year after the death.

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