Two awful things that do not combine to make something better

Thanks to everyone who’s asked how Christina is coping with the start of the new round of chemo. It’s been a bit bumpy, but we are coping.

The therapy was supposed to start January 2, but had to be delayed a week because her counts were too low. But it did proceed on January 9.

Now, a friend who has gone through similar therapy warned us that this new chemo cocktail was much worse than what Christina got last year, so we were truly prepared for her to be a wreck when she got home on Tuesday. Instead, she handled it far better than either of us expected. Obviously, she was not 100%, but she also wasn’t lying around wishing for an early death.

Then came Saturday morning. I had never seen her so sick. First we thought that it was a late effect from the chemo. Then we thought she had caught some cold that was overpowering her system. When her temperature hit 39C we went to the hospital and learned that she has Covid. So, she’s in an isolated room right now while they get her back on her feet. She’s already in far better shape today than just 24 hours ago and, at least, none of the rest of us seem to have gotten it. You take what victories you can get. Like, for instance, getting her to the hospital on Saturday distracted me enough that I wasn’t mad at the health insurance for a solid day. And that’s something.

Reader Comments

  1. I’m so sorry to hear that Christina has been sick, but I hope the positive rebound continues. Thinking of you all during this difficult time.

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