
Funeral rights

So, I had a bad day this week, and I’ll post about that later, and in the middle of it, several acquaintances on Facebook piped up about the George Floyd funeral. My feelings about the Floyd case and what I thought of the contents of their post aside, the talk of funerals layered on top of what was already a crummy day. And, since I write to get things out of my head, I wrote up a response.

And then I thought about it. I’ve been trying very hard not to be that guy on Facebook who clutches his pearls at everyone else’s comments and starts debates about everyone else’s moral failings. Nor was I wild about posting something on the page of a woman who is little more than an acquaintance and then having some troll of a human being laying into me, questioning whether I’d just made the whole thing up.

So, I decided to spare myself all the fuss. At the same time, I did write up a nearly two-page answer, and since I have a blog, it’s a shame to let it to go waste. So, here it is.

It was prompted by this meme:

            Here’s what I know.

            I’m a parent, and I have a to-do list.

            My to-do list contains the entry “Pick headstone.”

            The headstone in question is for my son, Colin.  He died last year.  He was 5.

            Colin died of a brain tumor and we had what felt like a large funeral.  I think it was between 80-100 people attending.  So, we haven’t suffered from Covid-19, nor have we had to push through the nightmare of organizing a funeral during a pandemic.  I can’t speak to any of that.

            I don’t know how the quality of my son’s funeral would have changed if there had been significantly more or significantly fewer people in attendance.  I was numb through much of it.  I remember enjoying speaking to people afterwards.  That said, we didn’t get around to burying him until almost a month after he died.  And we’d known for months before his death that he was going to die, so we were fairly well-prepared for it.  The funeral felt like a form of closure, but it was really just another step on a process I’m still living through.  I simply don’t know what the number of people there meant to me.

            I do know that, because I am American, but live in Europe, most of my family couldn’t make it.  One German aunt came, as did one niece from America.  Everyone else was unable to travel or simply couldn’t break away.  I understood.

            I also know that I barely interacted with many people who came to the funeral, sometimes by choice, sometimes because you can only talk to so many people in one afternoon.

            I do know that in the months since his death, some of my greatest support has come from people who live nowhere near me.  It’s been from the people who take a moment to drop me an email or to respond to a post on my blog.  A friend flew out a month after the funeral and I practically counted the minutes until his arrival.  My therapist and I meet online now because of the virus and I get a lot of strength from those moments.  But I also enjoy meeting in person whenever I can with friends in the neighborhood.  I’ve been lucky in that: Germany never had a complete lockdown.

            But I still don’t know about the numbers at the funeral.  I know you can’t speak about a funeral being “good” or “better.”  You can only really think about it in terms of being “less bad” or “more manageable.”  Would it have been less awful if there had been 200 people?  I don’t know.  Would it have been more awful if there had been only about 10?  I don’t know.  How would I have reacted had I been told that most of the people who wanted to come – the people I wanted there – could not come?  I don’t know.

            I know I’ve been going through a phase ever since Colin died where I almost can’t stand to see other people happy.  Or, to be more clear, I would like to see some people as unhappy as myself.  There is a terrible part of me that wants another parent of a now-6-year-old to see their child die, just so I would have one other person who understands how I feel.  It is hard for me to hear from other parents about how their children are doing.

            Does that translate into how other people experienced their loved one’s funerals?  Does it make me feel worse that another kindergartener died somewhere and had hundreds more turn out?  Does it help me control my grief if I know someone else only had a few people turn out for their child’s death?  Does it hurt you that you had a small funeral for your loved one?  Would your pain be less if George Floyd’s family also had a small funeral? 

            I don’t know.

            I suspect people are annoyed by the media coverage of the Floyd funeral.  I work in the media and know what a circus it can become if you let journalists into your funeral, so I was also surprised that they made the choice they did.  Then again, had someone come up to me at Colin’s funeral and told me that a little media attention might in some way help prevent another child from dying the same way, how would I have reacted? I don’t know.

            I don’t know what to do with the debate that the Floyds are being treated better somehow by being allowed to have a large funeral.  The whole concept of one funeral being better than another is foreign to me, as the loved one is still dead at the end of the day.  I do know that a fairly quick Google search shows me that Texas law does not currently put any limits on the number of guests at a funeral, though it does recommend face masks and greater-than-normal distances between guests.  The only real requirement is that funeral facilities be cleaned thoroughly between uses.

            I do know that, when the funeral ends, you just need to keep going on with your life. Days turn to months and months to years and you’re expected to live your life as normally as you can, as ridiculous as the attempt feels.  I think different people deal with all of this quite differently.  For some people, it matters the world that a loved one’s funeral is well-attended, for others, it matters more that friends and family keep them lifted up for months after the fact.  For some, you wonder how you can survive watching the horror of a brain tumor only to be catapulted into a world facing a pandemic.  Some would do anything to stop the virus’ spread.  Some would do anything to draw attention to a cause.  I don’t know, but it feels like it doesn’t help to judge everyone so much and to, instead, find ways to help each other through this.

            But I don’t know.


A hoot

If I were to make a list of all the things I worry about regarding my behavior since Colin’s death … well, it would be a very long list. But one thing I keep coming back to is this sense that my capacity for empathy has been radically diminished in the last year.

Which is not to say that I have none. Nor is it to say that I suffered at the least twinge of pain from anyone else in my presence. I simply think I was more capable of it 2-3 years ago.

All the news coming out of the States in the last few weeks has made me think about it all the more. I don’t want to get political at all here, but there are simple facts. If I see one person kneeling on another person’s neck, I think there was a time when I would have been able to muster outrage. Now … I can see that it’s a bad thing. I certainly wouldn’t want to happen to me. But, on many levels, the best I can muster is a “Well, that’s not good.” Similarly, with the protests against police brutality … I get the basics of the argument. I get why you would be mad if you were convinced that the police single you out unnecessarily. And yet, right now, it doesn’t rise much above an academic exercise for me.

This is not how I remember myself. I remember being enraged by the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait and horrified by the September 11 attacks. I remember being scared of Ebola and sad when Challenger blew up. I’m not convinced that I can work up the energy for things that aren’t directly happening to me any more.

Nor does it have to be abstract. We had dinner with some friends a few weeks ago when the host started talking about his job and how the coronavirus shutdown has affected him. He’s an airplane pilot. I knew this. I’ve known this for years. And yet, three months into this coronavirus quagmire, this was the first time it had even dawned on me that he might be affected by all this, forget walking over one day and just asking how things were going. I’d like to think the old me would have at least sent a “So, how’s it going text” amid all this.

And now. Everything I hear. You don’t like your job? Your children aren’t handling lockdown well? You’re the victim of systemic repression? So far, everything everyone has thrown at me only gets the following out of me: “Well, you haven’t watched your child die slowly, have you?”

I mean, to my credit, I use my inside-my-head voice for that. I make the right noises when confronted with and I look sad. I recognize that these things aren’t good. But there’s a large chunk of me that just doesn’t care about anyone else’s problems. I’m still so wrapped up with mine. Because even though I seem to be doing well – and I hear nothing but how well I’m handling this – all I can think of is how it’s been just more than a year since we found out his condition was terminal and just about a year since we moved into the hospice and almost nine months since he died. And that’s awful enough. But then come the thoughts and questions. Did I handle last year as well as I could have? Did I do everything possible for my son? I like to think yes, but then the doubt creeps in when I’m not ready for it and, I’m sorry, I’m wound up in my own psyche. Your problems? I just can’t.

And so the question becomes is this just the way it is for the first year or so after a loss like that of Colin? Will I work my way back up to caring about what’s going on outside my four walls? As ugly as it can look out there some times, I’d like to think I will. But, for now, all I can do is worry every now and then that I don’t worry. It’s going to have to do for now.



I have my weekly meeting with my therapist tomorrow and, as usual, I have homework. Unusually, I’m actually trying to do it. I’m supposed to ponder the following:
– What do I want out of therapy at this point?
– How often should I be going to therapy?

I’ve been thinking about it since our last meeting and it dawned on me that I really ought to write it down if I want it to be coherent, and then I figured, hell, if I’m writing things down, then I might as well just turn it into a blog entry.

I think the main problem is that everything I want out of therapy comes in pairs and all of those pairs directly contradict one another:

  • I want to keep feeling, in general, as a functional human being, because I need to keep myself together to take care of myself and my family.
  • I want to have a complete breakdown at some point because it doesn’t feel like I’m doing grieving right if I manage to go about my life.
  • I want to be able to feel joy and happiness on a regular basis.
  • I feel like a bad person because I can somehow put my memories of Colin aside for any length of time to enjoy any part of normal life.
  • I want people to treat me normally. I don’t want to spend my life being pigeonholed as the guy who lost a kid.
  • I want people to give me a break if I lose my temper or mess up at work because, God, it’s been less than a year since I held my five-year-old’s hand as he died.
  • I don’t want to be one of those people who spends too much time talking about the misery of it all or posting Vaguebook references about how empty life is.
  • I want to be able to get away with telling people I don’t like that I spent my weekend tending the gravesite or that I didn’t sleep well because Colin is on our mind, because I want to make someone feel as uncomfortable in his or her own skin as I do.
  • I want to truly be able to believe that I did the best I could for him.
  • I spend long stretches of time hating myself for wishing that last summer would just end because I was so sick to death of watching him die and kind of wish someone would call me out for being that way.

Which, I guess, makes the other question pretty easy to answer. Yeah, I probably need to keep up with some kind of therapy. I’m still not convinced that any amount of analysis is going to sort any of this out, but I’m also pretty convinced that talking this out with someone is better than the alternative, even if we’re limited to some kind of Zoom-like system for the time being. I’m not sure to this day what my therapist is actually doing with me – maybe he’d get somewhere if I did my homework halfway regularly – but I know it feels good talking to him. It’s almost like meeting an after-work drinking buddy, minus the beer. Maybe that’s what it all comes down to.


Hugs and bugs

I managed to get a haircut this week. It’s not even that good of a haircut, but I’m so excited not to look like a disco vagrant any more, I don’t really care. Plus, thanks to the coronavirus, I think the mask distracts from the hair.

When it became clear that we were all going to have to start wearing masks every time we do Brötchen runs, I did wonder how I’d react. I did wonder if there would be any traumatic flashbacks on my part, now that everyone in the Aldi looks like they’re about to scrub up for surgery. I remembered an incident shortly after my Dad’s death when I was helping a friend of a friend unpack into a new apartment. This friend had a lot of health issues that required breathing assistance. So, I reached into one box and found a collection of breathing tubes, which reminded me of the tubes my Dad had to use during his later years to keep connected to his oxygen … and I just left the room. I told my friend that I didn’t think I was going to help any more and then I went out on the balcony or something.

But, so far, none of that. And, the more I think about it, medical masks are not really something I associate with Colin’s illness. During the whole time we were in the hospice, I only remember one time where a nurse wore a mask – because she had a cold – and mostly I just thought it was so strange she considered it necessary, given how Colin was dying anyways.

Masks weren’t that common in the hospital either. I know the doctors put them on in the intensive care units, but it was always a grudging kind of thing, where they’d pull on a mask and then sort of drape a gown over themselves before looking at Colin. Which is not a slam on the doctors. I’m sure they scrub up properly when they’re doing surgery. But Colin’s problems weren’t infectious and there was no global pandemic going on, so the mouth guards did seem a little over the top back then. I know, when we first started visiting oncology wards regularly, I was so glad we were spared the masks. The gowns were more than enough fuss. And at least the gowns go on somewhat easily. A month or more into this mask adventure I can’t seem to put one on without snapping off my nose or accidentally putting it on the top part of my face first.

So, I don’t like the masks, but I’m not bothered by them either.

What I realize I miss are the hugs. I remember, in one of my darker moments of therapy, I mentioned to the therapist that “Apparently, you lose a child, you get a hug.” Which is mean, but it’s true. I never got hugged so much as I did back in the autumn. I showed up for work and got about eight hugs in a row. I even went into autopilot, throwing a hug at a co-worker whom, in retrospect, really wasn’t a hugging sort of guy.

And I won’t lie, I was a little surprised by it all. This is, after all, Germany, where … well, let’s face it. We’re not Italian here. People do hug and all that, but everything is kept in limits too. But the hugs kept on coming. Not from everyone (and not people at work, because that would have gotten weird), but I had my group of close friends and man-hugs kind of became a thing. I’m going to my first bereaved Dad’s meeting since February tomorrow and I don’t know how those are going to work now, since the man-hug seems like a basic ingredient.

And now they’re not happening. And I kind of miss those. And it’s not as if I’m going to shrivel up and die now that, when I meet up with a friend, we keep a respectful distance and, if we have a beer, we either do it while taking a walk or sitting at very far ends of the table and we don’t even offer handshakes, much less a man-hug. I suppose it’s just one more thing to add to the list of things that leave me unhappy with the general situation.

Hugs to everyone.


Father’s Day

We just had Father’s Day here in Germany. For reasons I’ve never researched, Father’s Day here involves men heading out with wagons full of booze and getting blind drunk. Apparently, being a father is completely optional to whether you participate or not. The only requirement seems to be drinking all day and spending at least part of your time in a wooded area shouting at the other members of your group.

I’ve never engaged in this particular ritual though, I have to admit, there have been years it has been tempting. It always coincides with the Ascension of Christ, which is a public holiday here in Germany. It was last Thursday and, since I was down to work that day, we marked it yesterday in this household. I got Schwarzwalder Kirsch muffins, pizza with anchovies (these were two separate meals) and a T-shirt with the Legion of Super Heroes logo which I’m told I must never wash if I want the logo not to fade away.

The main thing I wanted out of the day – aside from the anchovy pizza – was to get the kids to sit down and play a mega version of this superhero game we have. A normal game requires you to play with about two-thirds of the cards and takes an hour or so. I wanted to combine all the cards from two different games and see what happens. Neither Emma nor Noah was very enthused by the plan from the start. And then Ricardo joined us for the game and proceeded to pretty much take the rest of us apart, so their interest evaporated pretty quickly.

After an hour and a lot of whining I could tell I wasn’t going to have any fun with the game because it was rapidly deteriorating into a hostage situation, so I sent the kids away and, I won’t lie, was in a bit of a huff about the whole thing. You want some extra credit when the only thing you want for Father’s Day is time with your kids, and instead I became the bad guy for first holding them against their will and then for being grouchy when they didn’t want to stay and play. As parenting failures go, it’s not even going to crack my top 100.

And yet … there is something about failing as a parent (however minorly) and then failing as a parent on the first Father’s Day after the death of another child that leaves you thinking. And I hate to use the word, but there’s no other word for it than failure. Your job as a parent is to get your child to adulthood so he or she can be a functioning member of society. We failed in that. It wasn’t our fault. There was nothing we could do. But we got blown out of the water by that tumor. There’s no shame in failing if you never had a chance. But it is a failure nonetheless.

I don’t think we are failures. If nothing else, I keep remembering how everyone told us we were doing so good at surviving the experience, though being the best at that is hard to frame as a ‘yay’ kind of moment. It almost feels like yet another failure.

I can feel myself meandering. I don’t start every one of these entries with a direction in mind and I’ve rarely felt I had as little of a point as I did today as I started this, but I couldn’t let Father’s Day go without a comment.

I don’t write this blog to let everyone know I’m sad. I think anyone reading this more or less gets that. I don’t write it to give you hints on how to deal with the grieving, because the best advice I can give is “Every day is different.” I write it to get things out of my head. And this time I’ve got in my head that yesterday was Father’s Day, and I wasn’t quite the best father I could ever be, but there was room for a ton more failure, so I don’t feel all that bad about it. And maybe that’s where I’m going with this after all. Because I obviously think a lot about Colin and there I failed, but when I think of all the ways I could have failed him worse … well, it doesn’t make me feel better, but I suppose there is some comfort in knowing that I could possibly feel worse than I do. And I don’t. So there. I pulled a point out of my hat in the last paragraph after all. I’ve got a therapy session in about 40 minutes and then after that I’ll see what the kids are up to. The threat today is to play poker.


Something old

I finally decided to embrace working from home, since it seems I’ll be doing it for a while, and set my desk up so it’s a little bit better, though I’m still sure I’m going to need massage therapy at one point to make up for the fact that my home office is not one tiny bit ergonomic.

I have a ton of stuff on my desk. There is actual useful stuff, but there are also projects on hold and pictures and knick-knacks. It hasn’t been helped by last month’s attic-cleaning project, which means I now have the US Army award I got in first grade for a poster project that my brother Markus totally drew for me down here on my desk. Ditto the keychain that was also the ticket to my junior prom (Markus did not make that).

And I also rediscovered the pen. Which is kind of a lie. I knew it was there the whole time, I just kept stacking stuff strategically in front of it. But there’s this pen. It probably cost about 69 cents and the spring is missing, so it’s useless, so I should probably just throw it out.

Except, I bought this back in 2016, right after Colin got his first diagnosis. It’s probably for the best that I can’t fully remember that time. My brain was firing so much, trying to process all the information, trying to sort through new German words I’d never wanted to know, trying to figure out how to care for Emma and Noah while doing what I could at the hospital, and I reached a point where I knew that I just wasn’t going to be able to keep my act together and I knew stuff was coming at me far too fast to enter it into my phone in any useful fashion. So I found an old notebook and bought this pen at a kiosk in Alexanderplatz and that’s where I kept my brain for about two months, reminding myself of everything from special events at the kids’ schools to lists of things I needed to get to Colin in the hospital.

And now he’s dead and my brain is still a mess, but I’m more functional, and I have all the time I need in the world to get projects done since I barely leave the house … and here I am with this stupid pen.

It’s at least a memory I’ve chosen to keep, unlike say:

  • the 2,000 euro hospital bill from 2018 that still sits here while insurance processes it;
  • the US stimulus check that arrived here in Berlin (I know…), with extra money for each of my three children;
  • and the bank statements that keep showing up from his college account, because the bank can’t seem to get that shut.

Those I could do without. So, I’ll take the pen. So what if it’s broken? So are most of us on some level.


Lost and found

A theme that continually comes up with my therapist is my regret/sadness/call it what you will that I have nothing of him.

I mean, that’s not true. I have pictures and videos. I have both a room full of toys and an attic full of children’s clothes that I have no idea what to do with. I have one of his old Lightning McQueen cars here on my desk. We keep putting up more pictures of him and I’m fine with that.

But I don’t have anything by him. This simply all started when he was too young. He was just 2 when he got the diagnosis. Then it was three years of medical hell and death. Yeah, there was the year he went to day care in 2018, but nothing ever came home from there. No handprints turned into turkeys (which would have been weird anyways, since we don’t do Thanksgiving in Germany). No egg-shaped pieces of cardboard that crack open to reveal a paper chick for Easter. No plaster of Paris Christmas tree.

I really want something that he did. We’ll get a gravestone some day (I feel we’re so far behind the curve on this one), but that’s not the memorial I want. I want a badly made ashtray out of clay here on my desk, even if I don’t smoke and even if it just gathers dust for the next 40 years. But I don’t.

Or at least I didn’t.

As part of my continuing lockdown cleaning project, I rediscovered this series of bins in our upstairs storage room. I set them up in 2017 because we were just drowning in art projects by Emma. Noah will pick up a pencil and draw something if there’s a lot of pressure involved. Emma will just draw on anything. Always has and always will. So we got the bins. Emma’s was packed to the gills. Noah’s had plenty of room to breathe. And Colin’s – we figured we would fill it up someday.

But then I was moving things around and found something to put in one of the bins and that’s when I noticed … Colin’s bin isn’t empty.

I discovered a piece of paper. I have no idea what it is, but it’s been scribbled on with the intensity you get when you hand a toddler a crayon. And there’s a Christmas scene with handprints. There’s no way he did this himself. Clearly someone held his hands in place to make the scenario of reindeer and clouds. But they’re still his hands.

It was like finding Sasquatch carrying the Philosopher’s Stone. Both in the sense it was amazing to find these things that I had forgotten existed – they must have been made when he attended day care in the autumn of 2015 – but also in the sense that I just had no idea what to do with them. I didn’t even call Christina because I wasn’t sure how to express the words “Hey, I found some stuff Colin made.” (I did tell her eventually).

But they’re there. And I know they’re there. And someday I’m going to pull them down and figure out what to do with them. It’s something.


Dig if you will the pictures

My niece Rebekah – who came out from the States in 2016 and 2019 to keep our heads above water – found some photos of herself and Colin on her phone. They’re playing with the effects and, clearly, having a blast.

It’s a nice reminder to me that he did have fun during those two months where he was back at the house. One quickly remembers all the nightmares of fighting with the nursing service, but there were times on the side when he was just being a kid. Honestly, I forget it all the time.

It’s also another reminder – and I know this doesn’t affect the majority of you – but please look and see if you have any photos of him. Getting these from Rebekah was one of the highlights of recent days. I can’t tell you why – he’s on my mind so much more lately. And I don’t think it’s unnatural to think of him a lot. I just don’t understand what’s happening this week that has him so much more in my mind than usual. I know I’m more brittle than usual, so it’s nice to get a happy reminder of his life … as opposed to the 2,000-euro bill the hospital sent us today for treatment he received in December 2018.

Here’s hoping some people find more pictures and I can add to the gallery on the right side of this page.


Something else nice

Remember Colin’s bench in Texas? My cousin and her husband weren’t content to stop there, as you’ll see from the picture. As near as I can tell, they’ve gone and made a regular Disneyland, Texas theme park, though I suspect this one feels more true to its roots than anything you’re likely to find at Euro Disney.

To quote my cousin: “Note Colin’s name in royal blue on the roof’s edge…made with a 3D printer to look like LEGO blocks. … I also took a pic so that you could see Colin’s bench from his grandparent’s graves.”

There’s also apparently a Lego play area and, as you can see, shade, which should never be underestimated in Texas.

Heaven knows when we’ll get to Texas. We couldn’t really make any travel plans for the Easter break before Covid-19 struck. There’s not a lot of reason to believe that a summer vacation is in the cards (and Texas in July would probably end me). We’ll have to see what the autumn break holds. But I look forward to seeing it some day.


Something nice

The unavoidable truth of a blog like this is that it’s mostly going to be exercises in either depression or avoiding depression. But I also think it’s important to make clear that the four of us don’t sit around the house moping and being sad. Yes, there are certainly moment – even long stretches – like that, but we also have plenty of moments where we watch dumb movies, experiment with exciting cake-baking strategies and try to teach the children poker. All in all, we do pretty well.

Also doing well is this little apple tree. It was a gift from Colin’s old day care. The administrator brought it over a couple of weeks after the funeral. Due to a combination of disorganization and my general laziness when it comes to yard work, we probably got it into the ground about two weeks later in the year than the average gardener would recommend. However, it was a mild winter and the little guy is now blooming like crazy, which is nice. I’d much rather have Colin, but there’s a small solace in having this apple tree growing up sheltered by our shed, giving us the hope we’ll be able to move it to a more prominent part of the yard once it can better fend for itself.

Today’s the last day of my 2019 vacation, so I’ll go back to working from home tomorrow, hopefully discovering soon what the plan forward it. I don’t know if it was the best use of my vacation time, but I went through everything in our attic and then I went through and organized all of our baby and young children’s toys. That was not fun work. There were a lot of memories. At the same time, the toys aren’t lying all over the house, waiting to surprise me with an unexpected memory, as happens every time an old Lightning McQueen rattles out of the woodwork. I know my children: There will be more toys surprising us. But at least I’ve gotten some control of the bulk of the situation.