Eagle eyes

Eagle eyes

Who wants to help me find all the errors in the above photos?

Off the top of my head, I see:

  • The bill was sent nearly four months after the patient died
  • The bill was sent six months after the treatment was given
  • The treatment was provided by a doctor neither Christina nor I can remember seeing since 2017
  • The bill is for 16.32€? Seriously? Even assuming the doctor did see Colin in July, what services did she provide that only amount to 16.32€? What could she possibly have done that only equaled that amount? If the service was so crucial, how come the bill is only showing up now?
  • The bill showed up a day after I compiled our insurance claims, containing a whopper of an 18,000€ bill from the home health agency that I’d really hoped would be our last bill regarding his health care.

On the plus side, it is the first bill we’ve received for Colin for more than a month, so that’s something.

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